Support your immune system with this all-natural cold and flu buster.
We all need a little support during the busy holiday season. This is the first thing I turn to when I feel a little ick coming on.
I’m Not a Doctor but I Do Practice What I Preach…
Before you read any further please be aware that this is my personal recipe on my own personal blog where I write about my personal experiences. I am not a doctor. Always check with your health care provider before starting or stopping any treatments. Read my full Medical Disclaimer here.

Handmade Pottery Mug by Jim Wayne
Potent Natural Medicine That Is Easy To Come By.
This recipe uses four easily accessible, potent natural substances to knock colds and flus out for good.
Chicken Stock
A powerhouse of vitamins and minerals, soothing collagen, and warming comfort. Every household should be making and consuming chicken stock on the regular. Don’t have time to make it yourself? Here is the brand I recommend.
Fresh Garlic
Garlic is a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal. Garlic is touted as one of the healthiest foods you can eat. Besides its wonderful spicy taste, garlic is anti-inflammatory and packed with antioxidants. Garlic should be a staple in your home and your natural medicine cabinet. It has been widely studied and confirmed to play a key role in overall health as well as preventing cancer, and maintaining a healthy heart and cardiovascular system.
Oil of Oregano
The powerful essential oil from the herb oregano is another strong anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal. It can be used topically to treat infection, used internally to treat viral illness and it can be diffused as an inhalant. Here is a link to the prettiest diffuser ever!
Like garlic, oregano oil is also anti-inflammatory with antioxidant properties. I’ve personally used oregano oil with great success in topical poultices, steam tents, and internally to fight viral infections. When purchasing oregano oil it is necessary to confirm that it is meant to be used and consumed internally. Some brands of essential oils are not safe for consumption. Also look for organic oils that have a high percentage of carvacrol (the active ingredient). Any oil with 80% carvacrol or more should be sufficient. Here are the brands I recommend.
Unrefined Sea Salt
This is the last important ingredient in my cold and flu buster. When it is in its true unrefined state, sea salt is chocked full of minerals that support your immune system while keeping you hydrated and keeping your electrolytes balanced. Look for these brands that are truly unrefined.
Making the Cold and Flu Buster:
Recipe yields one serving.
In a small sauce pan heat the chicken stock over medium heat. Using a microplane or garlic press grate the garlic directly into a large ceramic mug. Add 4 drops (or manufacturers recommended dosage) of oregano oil to the garlic in the mug. When the chicken stock starts to simmer pour it over the garlic and oregano mixture. Add sea salt to taste and stir to combine. Sip on this hot, spicy, healing beverage daily to bust through your cold and flu symptoms.

All Natural Cold and Flu Buster
The perfect natural way to boost your immunity or recover from a cold or flu quickly.
- 8 to 12 ounces unsalted chicken stock or bone broth
- 1 large clove fresh garlic
- 4 drops oregano oil
- 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon sea salt, to taste
- In a small sauce pan heat the chicken stock over medium heat.
- Using a microplane or garlic press, grate the garlic directly into a large ceramic mug.
- Add 4 drops (or manufacturers recommended dosage) of oregano oil to the garlic in the mug.
- When the chicken stock starts to simmer pour it over the garlic and oregano mixture. Add sea salt to taste and stir to combine.
- Sip on this hot, spicy, healing beverage daily to bust through your cold and flu symptoms.