Don’t worry, I don’t do this anymore!
I started my first restaurant (Courtney’s Country Kitchen) out of my Dad’s Aptos, California kitchen at the age of 7.
Seriously, I served pancakes, scrambled eggs, ramen, and anything else I knew how to cook. I went on to cook through high school and into college.
After waffling around for years at dead-end restaurants and traveling the country and living out of my 1980 AMC Eagle, I finally got my degree in Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management at age 27. My husband and I then moved to San Francisco where I worked in restaurants like The Cliff House, The Moss Room, Sweet Jo’s, and as Sous Chef at Market Bar. I met some amazing chefs and made some incredible food during that time, but something was missing.
Somewhere around 2008 I started really craving a more authentic experience. I idolized Alice Waters and Sally Fallon Morell. I stopped eating anything conventional like fast food and soda. I started eating raw dairy, pastured meats, and lots of butter! I went and did an internship on a organic farm, I read the Omnivore’s Dilemma, I started learning about “real-food”. It was then that I realized that so much of what we are taught about food is just corporate conditioning. I started to pull away from the restaurant environment. I started researching traditional food-ways. I started preparing for something new.
We moved again to the Willamette Valley, Oregon. This is truly the land of milk and honey. We started a family, and I started my blog, Butter For All. I had been baking with sourdough for a long time (since 2002) but I never really understood the incredible connection between sourdough and our ancestral diets. I started learning all about the proper preparation of grains and how we have deviated from those preparations for the last 150 years. I started piecing together my own health, why it was compromised by non-traditional food preparation and what I could do about it. Now I get to share what I’ve learned on my blog.
I support local biodiverse farming, real raw milk, ethical meat production, slow real-food, traditional food preparation, nutrient dense diets, healthy fats, and organic sustainable living.
I found my calling.
I’m a bridge to a simpler, more authentic, more nourishing, slow-food life. I can’t wait for the next chapter, because I know that now that I’ve found my passion I will keep learning and keep teaching my craft.
- A huge tomato from our organic garden.
- Growing Garlic is so easy and fun.
- A zinnia with snow pea tendrils intertwined.
- Blue, green brown and white eggs from my hens.
- A huge basket of tomatoes and summer squash to fill our bellies.
Please follow along on this journey of learning and sharing.
Butter For All consists of original recipes developed to exclude refined sugars, include healthy fats, and focus on Weston A. Price Foundation, Wise Traditions, and Nourishing Traditions principles. I also write articles on how to grow your own organic herb and vegetable garden, how to keep animals in an urban setting, and how to raise a creative and naturally inspired child.
I hope you will join me on this adventure. I want you in my village. I need you on my team. And the world needs our combined voices for ethical sustainable farming and living!
Wishing you health and happiness and lots of real pastured raw butter,
-Courtney Queen